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Spectrometer Instrument Control Environment


The scan command will perform a scan of any motor.  As with the drive command, any movable quantity can be scanned - this includes physical motors, sample environment parameters (i.e. temperature, pressure, magnetic field, etc.), voltages (for flippers for instance) and reciprocal space and energy parameters (q,h,k,l,e,ei,ef).

The syntax for the scan command is

     scan motor1 start stop step motor2 start stop step [n=npoints] [preset=channel,value] [file=path]

The step can be omitted if the n=npoints argument is specified and the n=npoints is not required provided each motor has a valid step.
If the preset option is omitted, the default will be used - the default preset is changed using the preset command.  As with the preset command, the preset argument for scan can either be of the form 'channel value' or 'countfile path' if the countfile option is being used.  The optional file=path argument of the scan command will bypass all given motor positions and read a list of positions from the file specified by path.  Each line in this file should include motor names and there destinations (for instance, s1 10 s2 30 sgl 5).

Some examples of typical scan commands:

1. scan s2 20 40 2 s1 10 20 1 preset monitor 10000
    (this is the most common form of the scan command)
2. scan s2 20 40 s1 10 20 n=10 preset monitor 10000
    (this is an example which uses the n=npoints argument - note the result of this command is identical to example 1 above)
3. scan n=100 preset monitor 10000
    (this will do 100 counts to a preset of 10000 monitor counts without moving any motors)

The scan command can also be accessed from the GUI.  The Scan tab is found under the Drive/Scan/Count top-level tab.  The motors and pseudomotors are ogranized into categories for convenience.  To add a motor to the list to be scanned, simply select it from the appropriate list. To delete a motor, hit the relevant Delete button.  Type in the Start, End, and Step for each of the included motors, type in a scantitle in the Scan Title text box, select an appropriate preset and hit the Start Scan button to start the scan.  The number of steps cannot be changed directly but is included for convenience so that the user knows how many points will be generated by the scan command.  The scan can also be simulated by clicking on the scansim button.  For more information about simulating scans, see the scansim command.

gui interface to scan