This command will pop up the following dialog box which must be filled
in before the new experiment will begin:
If a single crystal sample is selected, the user can choose how the
initial orientation will be specified. The available choices are:
1. Specify a scattering
plane - vectors which define the scattering plane and the lattice
constants must be given with this option. NOTE: with this option,
the 1st vector which defines the plane (h1,k1,l1) is assumed to be along
the lower arc. 2. Start with
no orientation specified - the lattice constants are specified
with this option but no moves in Q-space will be allowed until a valid
orientation has been specified. For information on how to define
an orientation see How to align a
single crystal. 3. Keep last
used orientation - this option will retain the orientation last
used in the program. This option is included primarily for cases
where the same sample will be used in sebsequent experiments.
After the form is filled out, hit the Begin New Experiment
button to initialize the new experiment.
This command can also be
accessed from the GUI by choosing File
- New - Experiment from the pull-down menus as shown in the
following image.