The tolerance command sets the tolerance for a motor.
The syntax for the "toleranace" command is:
tolerance motor1 value1 motor2 value2 ...
will set the tolerance for motor1 to value1, motor2 to value2, etc.
tolerance motor1 motor2 ...
will display the current tolerance for motor1, motor2, etc.
when given with no arguments, the tolerance command will display the
tolerance for all motors.
The tolerance command can also be accessed from the
GUI by selecting the Tolerance
tab from Setup
- Hardware - Motors tabs.. To change the tolerance for a
given motor, the green button at the bottom of the tab must be changed
from "Monitoring
... Click to allow changes" to "Changing ... click
to monitor". Type in the
new tolerance in the Tolerance
numerical control and commit
the changes by clicking on the blue Update Parameters