The monochromator command sets the d-spacing of the monochromator based
on definitions stored in the configuration file.
The syntax for the monochromator command is
monochromator name
where "name" must be defined with a corresponding d-spacing in the
top-level configuration file.
The top-level configuration file is named configure.ini
and is in the same location as the spice.exe executable (most likely c:\program
files\spice). The monochromator entries in the
configuration file have the following form:
where each entry represents a monochromator name and its corresponding
d-spacing. To add a new entry, simply type in a new name and
d-spacing. To make the program re-read the configuration file,
type initialize
software. The monochromator command can also be
accessed from the GUI by selecting the Experiment
tab from the Setup
top-level tab. To change the monochromator d-spacing, the green
button at the bottom of the tab must be changed from "Monitoring ...
Click to allow changes" to "Changing ... click
to monitor". Select the
monochromator name from the blue "Which
Monochromator" pull-down menu and commit the changes by
clicking on the blue "Update Parameters"