Spice_icon SPICE
Spectrometer Instrument Control Environment


The help command displays help information for built-in commands and aliases.

The syntax for the help command is:

            help command

where command must be either a built-in command or an alias.  The text help for a built-in command is set in the top-level configuration file which is named configure.ini and is in the same location as the spice.exe executable (most likely c:\program files\spice).  A typical help entry in this configuration file has the form:

help="The help command displays help information for built-in commands and aliases.<CR_LF><CR_LF>The syntax for the help command is:<CR_LF><CR_LF>    help command<CR_LF><CR_LF>where command must be either a built-in command or an alias."

The character combination <CR_LF> is used to distinguish a new line so that the help can be displayed in the logfile in multiple lines.

For an alias, the help is defined in the relevant alias file.  An example of an alias with a defined help entry is shown below:

definition="drive %1 @(%1)+%2"
help="Do a relative drive"